Our use of cookies

Our website makes use of cookies when visitors view the site, just like most other websites do. Below we indicate which cookies we use and explain the reasons we use them, along with your choices in connection with them. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are tiny text files that are often placed on your computer or device when you visit or browse a website. They distinguish you from other users, which helps deliver a good experience when you visit the website. They also help in identifying potential improvements that may be made to the website.

How we use cookies

Our website makes use of both session and persistent cookies:

Session cookies: Session cookies function only while you are browsing our website. Once you close your browser or log out of the website, they are deleted from your device. We use them to gather information concerning your activities on the website.

Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on your computer or device until they expire or are deleted. They allow us to remember things about you for your next visit to our website.

Our website uses the following cookies for the reasons indicated:

Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are essential to ensure the proper operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that allow you to log in to our website and to make use of the various functions of our website.

Performance cookies/analytics cookies: These cookies collect information on your interaction with our website. They serve the purpose of evaluating and enhancing your experience of our website by ensuring such things as relevant content, for example.

Functional cookies: These cookies allow us to remember you and your preferences from previous visits, which helps us to offer you a smooth and personalized browsing experience every time you visit our website.

Advertising cookies: These cookies are also known as 'targeting cookies', and they collect data about your visit to our website, such as the pages you view and the links you click on. This data enables us to serve advertisements that are relevant to you, and it allows us to gauge the efficiency of our advertising campaigns.

Third-party cookies

Some content on the website is served by third parties, including analytics or advertising companies and ad networks. These third parties may use cookies to collect information when you use our website. We have no control over over these cookies.

How you can control cookies

You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer/device via your browser settings. This may affect your experience of the website, however, as certain functions and services may no longer be available.
